The original bug was reported in 2012 but recent comments are from 2018 and

Steve Dodd (anarchetic) <> wrote on
2018-07-07: #17

I am seeing this on a box running 14.04 (acng 0.7.26-1ubuntu0.1) - nothing
leapt out when I strace'd, I will try again and save to file. I am also not
sure that strace-ing didn't "unstick" the acng process, which would be very
odd ..

I will also try backporting a more recent acng and see if problem still
Andres Jalinton (andresj551) <> wrote on
2019-01-24: #18

   - logfile2
   KiB, text/plain)

I'm running an Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04.5 serving the DEB cache with

The download of files to the older (and tested in other distros debian
based) is very slow (10 to 50 kbps)

Attached are the strace files.

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