Le Mardi 28 Mars 2006 12:33, vous avez écrit :
> Hello Daniel,
> The error in question is intentional, if you want to make a custom
> apt-zip version, you should set the environment variable DEV=yes when
> you build the package.
> the test in question is intended as a consistency check for the debian
> changelog and the code.
> This is not a bug, but a feature ;)

Well, let me explain in more detail why I was trying to build with a custom 
version number, and then let you decide: I've been working on a Perl script 
named pbuildd to rebuild the Debian archive from scratch.  In order to 
support using the result as a source for installing packages locally, I need 
to differentiate the generated packages from the official packages somehow, 
or apt often will not know to install the local package over the package from 
the Debian archives.  The best way to do this seemed to be to use something 
similar to the new binNMU versioning scheme, which shouldn't cause problems 
with most packages.

That said, I suppose I could add a blacklist for the script to consult -- but 
I'd rather not unless I absolutely had to, and then somebody building apt-zip 
locally might not actually be using the result. :)  And I definitely don't 
want to start special-casing any more than necessary, so setting DEV=yes just 
for that package is out of the question.
Daniel Schepler

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