On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 19:13:59 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Heh.  What actually happened was that at first I ran
> interimap --config hb --delete --target=database INBOX
> […]
> Seems to me both local and remote INBOX UIDVALIDITY is now 1571588814:

I see, that explains it.  No magic with recovered UIDVALIDITY, that's a
relief at least :-)

> I see now what mislead me: The bash-style syntax in documentation:
>  --target={local,remote,database}
> It is the only option where you use such unusual compact syntax.
> May I suggest that to
>  --target=TARGET
>    Where TARGET is one of local,remote, or database.
>    Option can be repeated to cover multiple targets.
> ..or maybe that's irrelevant with your soon-to-be-released change?

Right, sorry for that.  I meant to support comma-separated values
anyway (and croak on invalid targets instead of silently ignoring them),
so I'll call that a now-fixed bug :-)

> I guess you mean this:
> jonas@auryn:~$ grep -Po "\s+V\K\S+" ~/Maildir/hb/.Drafts/dovecot-uidlist
> 1571588832
> jonas@auryn:~$ ssh mail.homebase.dk 'grep -Po "\s+V\K\S+" 
> ~/Maildir/.Drafts/dovecot-uidlist'
> 1571588832

Yup, and is the first line of those files identical?  The 4th field, in
particular.  That's the mailbox GUID, a Dovecot specific attribute
that's AFAIK not exposed to IMAP clients (not in a modifiable way at
least).  It's a 128bits integer built from the current time, PID, and


Granted, this doesn't use getrandom(), but you should never see the same
value accross mailboxes, or hosts outside the same Dovecot cluster.
AFAIK only Dovecot's internal tools (over)write that attribute (we
already know the file wasn't copied using `rsync` or similar, because we
see 3 states: old remote, old local, and new which is… a combination of
these two).  Anyway I'm quite sure neither interimap nor any other
non-malicious IMAP client is responsible for the UIDVALIDITY change.
Since your Draft mailbox seems empty you shouldn't have any bad surprise
with `interimap --config hb --target=database --target=local --delete Drafts`.

>> Would be nice to see the output of `stat -c"%y  %z"` on these files,
>> also.
> jonas@auryn:~$ stat -c"%y  %z" ~/Maildir/hb/.Drafts/dovecot-uidlist
> 2019-10-20 18:56:40.128528124 +0200  2019-10-20 18:56:40.152528125 +0200
> jonas@auryn:~$ ssh mail.homebase.dk 'stat -c"%y  %z" 
> ~/Maildir/.Drafts/dovecot-uidlist'
> 2019-10-21 13:47:24.454650388 +0200  2019-10-21 13:47:24.486649045 +0200

Alright, nothing relevant then :-(


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