Hello, Bernhard

> could you please count how many true type fonts you have installed,


> I assume you have the package fonts-noto-extra installed, 

dpkg says "yes"

> could you try to uninstall it, if no other packages depend
> on it 

no complaint from apt-get remove

> and the fonts are not needed otherwise.
> This package alone has 1224 TTF files.

and bingo:

number of fonts down to 858

and Notes font list looks tidy again :-)

Many thanks for your assistance.
Looks like I owe you a beer or so :-)

> If this can be confirmed I guess this is just an
> application bug and wine can not do much about it.

Well, partly.
Why is the debian default setting so overcrowded?
I know, it's a debatable policy issue.

Or did I catch this font flu by playing too much with different
versions, fonts, whatever...?

Anyway, for me, the state is "works again" and I'll leave policy
decisions to the debian team.

Wolfgang Rosner

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