CCed: Stephen Rothwell

* Matthias Klose | 2020-02-03 21:10:14 [+0100]:

Hey Matthias

>please can you reassign that to the appropriate package? both libopcodes and
>libbfd have non-public interfaces.  If you use those, please adopt to these.

I don't get it: `apt-file search /usr/include/bfd.h` results in
binutils-dev: /usr/include/bfd.h

On an slightly older bullseye the shipped version of bfd.h building perf works
like a charm.

I don't get it why the currently shipped version of bfd.h by
binutils-dev/bullseye should be fine? bfd.h looks broken now because they
break API compatibility by silently removing previously defined public
functions. libbfd-dev is an meta-package and provided by binutils-dev. I don't
get the correlation to the bug.

It seems other people (kernel folks, Stephen) have the identical error as
Stephen: or is the bug fixed somewhere else? Do you have an workaround?a

Thank you Matthias for the quick response!


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