Control: tags -1 +pending
Control: thanks

Le 05/02/2020 à 04:34, Yuan-Chen Cheng a écrit :
> It provide new feature like: /etc/tlp.d/*.conf, which will be very
> helpful for extra config file maintaining.
> Please kindly consider upgrading the new verison.


1.3.0 is already in the Git repository (for unstable, buster-backports
and stretch-backports-sloppy), but I intentionally didn't upload it to
Debian yet, because upstream advised me to wait a bit for 1.3.1, which
will be released very soon. As I understood it, the bug fixed in 1.3.1
is important enough for upstream not wanting 1.3.0 to go to the next
Ubuntu LTS release without this fix.

See for more information.

If you can't wait, checkout the Git repository and build the package


Raphaël Halimi

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