On Tue, 04 Feb 2020 19:36:34 +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:

> > Not sure about the details yet, like where the .mk snippet should go
> > and what else should be included etc. Happy for any suggestions and
> > patches. 
> I might indeed have suggestions for variables and where to find more
> :)

A quick grep session through our pkg-perl packages shows:

PACKAGE = $(shell dh_listpackages)
TMP     = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE)

Not perl specific …

BUILDHOME = $(CURDIR)/debian/build

Not perl specific, and should be obsolete with debhelper compat level

SKIP_TESTS=$(shell cat debian/tests/pkg-perl/smoke-skip)
TEST_FILES = $(filter-out $(SKIP_TESTS), $(wildcard t/*.t))

Not src:perl related but very common for pkg-perl packages.

PERL_CURRENT := $(shell perl -MConfig -e 'print 
PERL_NEXT    := $(shell perl -MConfig -e 'print 
"$$Config{revision}.$$Config{patchlevel}." . ($$Config{subversion} + 1)')

That might be a good candidate (maybe as PERL_VERSION-*).

PERLVER := $(shell perl -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{version}')

ARCHLIB := $(shell perl -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{vendorarch}')
INDEPLIB := $(shell perl -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{vendorlib}')

That's what started the discussion; I guess we might just use the
"real" names, so maybe PERL_CONFIG_VENDORARCH etc.
Maybe it would make sense to just expose all %Config keys?


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