On April 16, 2020 at 6:47AM +1000, peter.chubb (at data61.csiro.au) wrote:
> In attempting to install w3m-el I see:
>   Install w3m-el for emacs
>   install/w3m-el: byte-compiling for emacs, logged in /tmp/elc.9ZAzScQdF0F8
>   ERROR: install script from w3m-el package failed
> w3m-filter.el:40:1:Error: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
>  And so on.

It seems '(require 'w3m)' causes the error.  Could you please
provide the full log, "w3m.el:..." included?

My local installation and piuparts tests succeeded, so the problem
may be conditional.

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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