On 25/05/20 at 09:57 +0100, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> Control: retitle -1 UDD/dmd: fails to load when debci data is missing
> The problem isn't the number of packages, but some specific packages that
> can't be displayed even when they are the only package requested:
> https://udd.debian.org/dmd/?email1=&email2=&email3=&packages=node-file-entry-cache&ignpackages=&format=html#todo
> These packages appear to be the ones that have a debci result (any result)
> in testing but no debci data in unstable:
> https://ci.debian.net/packages/n/node-file-entry-cache/


Thanks for pointing to the cause! It finally motivated me to look into
this. I fixed the bug in DMD.


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