On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 10:36:39PM +0530, Pranav Ballaney wrote:
> I've narrowed the issue down to one (or a few) sequences. Basically this
> error occurs whenever a query sequence is less than five nucleotides (and
> is independent of the length of sequences in the database file). Besides,
> it's not specific to the Debian package. I encountered the same error when
> I compiled from the upstream source, but it went away when I downloaded the
> compiled binary, so it's probably something to do with the way it is
> compiled.
> I've reported this on the Github issue page here
> <https://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/issues/351> along with the smallest
> dataset that can be used to reproduce this issue. Maybe now we wait for
> upstream to take a look?

Thanks a lot.  That sounds extremely helpful and promising.

Kind regards



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