On 05/06/2020 02:59, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Please add to the Debian description a comparison between ltunify and
> existing packages in Debian that provide this functionality. eg: Why
> should people who use these existing packages try ltunify?  Solaar-cli
> is deprecated, so maybe that?

No problem, I will add something describing that.

> When I look at the existing description, I think "neat, someone
> reinvented the wheel", and see nothing that convinces me to migrate to
> ltunify.  It's also worth mentioning that ltunify doesn't support HID++
> 2.0 whereas Solaar does, and possibly adding an example of the newest
> Logitech device that ltunify supports.

HID++ 2.0 support was added for v0.2. I'm not sure exactly which
features this covers, but I will look through and see what I can find.

> Thank you for documenting everything at the upstream website :-)  Reading
> that document I get a clear sense of your enthusiasm for this work, and
> I wonder if ltunify's Debian description could be framed in a way that
> spoke to those who share a similar passion for reverse engineering
> protocols?

I wish I could claim credit but ltunify and all the documentation is
entirely the work of Peter Wu. I've just done the packaging for Debian.
I will mention the reverse engineering and the thorough documentation in
the package description however, so that someone looking for a learning
opportunity might find it.

> There are enough people using Logitech peripherals that we really ought
> to have native-desktop-integrated pairing for GNOME and KDE Plasma by
> now, rather than a tray application.  I wonder if the missing piece is a
> libsolaar or libltunify...

Peter looks to have put some work into refactoring ltunify into a
library with a frontend, as part of the "refactor-lib" branch, but this
has not had a release yet so I am not sure if this is in a working state.

Kind regards,

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