
I ran into this problem myself (using "URxvt*font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=20"
font spec), and seems it is some kind of bug in rxvt-unicode.
Xterm does not suffer from this issue with the same font spec.

The issue seems to reside in src/rxvtfont.C rxvt_font_xft::draw()
with the doublebuffered rendering, if you disable buffering via
"URxvt*buffered: false", the issue disappears at least for my use case.

But, disabling buffering is probably not a very efficient solution.

Also a kludge-patching line 1380 of src/rxvtfont.C:

-  int x_ = buffered ? 0 : x;
+  int x_ = buffered ? 1 : x;

"fixes" the issue as well at least for the case I bothered to check, but obviously that's not a good solution either.

Perhaps this issue should be transferred to package rxvt-unicode?

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