On Sun, 26 Jul 2020, Andrej Shadura wrote:

>> basically, the bmake mk files don’t even remotely contain
>> anything usable.
>Any more details please? :)

There’s no bsd.*.mk there, so it’s ?make, not bmake, assuming
b stands for BSD…

> I have uploaded a new version with /usr/share/mk being the NetBSD files:
>  * /usr/share/bmake/mk-netbsd ships NetBSD files
>  * /usr/share/bmake/mk-bmake ships bmake files
>  * /usr/share/mk is a symlink to bmake/mk-netbsd

OK. We already changed this in makefs to use /usr/share/bmake/mk-netbsd
so this isn’t affected any more, but others like csh might also need to
use <bsd.prog.mk> and friends. (In fact, these are the reason why users
install bmake…)

«MyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life. »
“mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends
from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to
be a database”  (#nosec)    ‣‣‣ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!

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