I can confirm this problem. In addition there are problems for switching
workspaces with key pressing:

- open a virtualbox console
- try to switch to another workspace by keypress (for me it is Win-Ctrl

expected: switch to another workspace
actual behavior: virtualbox console still activated and workspace does
not change

Some windows are not shown anymore (like wine windows):

- start a wine program

expected: program is started and shown on desktop
actual: program is started (and you see the program name left on gnome
bar - with menu for closing it, details...
You can see the opened window in overview (scrambled with all windows of
all workspaces of course) but clicking on it does not open it - and you
can see the program name on gnome bar again.

Because all of these effects occur with gnome shell 3.36.3-1 or 3.36.4-1
(not sure if it was with 3.36.3-1 already) together all these focussing
problems may depend on the same problem. Because of that I first add
this to #966361.

Of course with and without any extensions activated.

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