On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 07:11:35PM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> this bug tracks the fact that the changes in the NMU have NOT been
> integrated into a maintainer upload. So it should stay open until that
> has happened, afaik.
Hi Andreas,

I'm not sure if I follow, but from what I see, you are worried that new
maintainers will not take these NMU changes into account on the next
revisions, right?

I have an ITA opened and I'm working on a Debian revision of the package
atm, and I have created a git repository (using gbp import-dscs
--debsnap), which contains your NMU.

Even if I weren't doing this revision, I think any other potential
Debian contributor would be basing their work on the latest Debian
revision found on the archives, which happen to be your NMU at this
point, as can be seen by fetching the package sources on sid with apt

Thus I'm not sure what the benefits are of keeping this bug open. Of
course, I may be completely wrong :). So, do you think I should reopen
it until I (or anyone else, for that matter) release a new Debian


David Polverari.

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