Let me think out loud to this bug report...

Jonas Smedegaard dijo [Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 08:43:03AM +0200]:
> I would certainly appreciate Debian running this kind of service.
> From a recipient PoV I would find it most sensible to receive such 
> notification from the keyring maintainers, but I recognize that it would 
> be an additional task that technically need not be tied to that same 
> team.
> Thanks to Ximin for for the initiative, and to Felix for running a test 
> service from riseup.net: I've been bitten by this in the past, and was 
> happy to receive a warning from Felix.

I too think this would be an important addition, but have been unable
to put the time into this; some of you might have noticed that
starting some months ago, while pushing a keyring update, I send a
mail to everybody whose key is _already_ expired; doing this is quite

| #!/bin/sh
| # Looks for expired keys in our active keyrings
| set -e
| find_expired () {
|       k=$1
|       gpg --no-options --no-auto-check-trustdb --no-default-keyring \
|               --keyring "./output/keyrings/$k" --list-keys --with-colons \
|               | grep -a '^pub' \
|               | awk -F: -v keyring=$1 \
|               '$2 == "e" {print keyring ":\t0x" $5 " expired on " 
strftime("%F %T", $7) " (" $10 ")"}'
| }
| fail=0
| for keyring in debian-keyring.gpg debian-maintainers.gpg \
|               debian-nonupload.gpg; do
|       find_expired $keyring
| done
| exit $fail

I suck at awk, so I would rephrase the last command in the pipeline

ruby -r date -n -e 'flds=$_.split(/:/); next unless flds[1] == "e"; \
   exp=Date.strptime(flds[6],"%s"); puts "%s: %s expired on %s" % \
   [ENV["k"], flds[4], exp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")]'

That (plus exporting k in the shell to the environment) would leave it
functionally equivalent to what we currently have, and would allow us
to replace it with:

ruby -r date -n -e 'flds=$_.split(/:/); today = Date.today; \
    onemonth = today+30; exp=Date.strptime(flds[6],"%s") rescue nil; \
    next if exp.nil? or exp >= onemonth; \
    puts "%s: %s expired on %s" % [ENV["k"], flds[4], \
        exp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] if exp <= today; \
    puts "%s: %s will soon expire (%s)" % [ENV["k"], flds[4], \
        exp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] if exp > today and exp <= onemonth'

That gives us a nice list that presents expired and soon-to-expire
keys -- Including information potentially useful today, of course!

debian-keyring.gpg: 049B6D88E31734DB expired on 2019-08-17
debian-keyring.gpg: 13EC43EEB9AC8C43 will soon expire (2020-10-02)
debian-keyring.gpg: 17B1CA7D64089528 expired on 2020-06-12
debian-keyring.gpg: 1CFC22F3363DEAE3 expired on 2020-06-17

...But I have to leave the topic as it is right now, as my family
calls me. From here, this script can be easily modified:


And we would have everything in place to notify people whose key is
to expire soon.

So, I will try to add this later today (but other keyring-maints, your
input is much appreciated before that!), or falining that... Soon™.

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