David Prévot dijo [Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 10:49:33AM -0400]:
> > And we would have everything in place to notify people whose key is
> > to expire soon.
> Wonderful, thank you for working into making (part of) our lives easier!


I will add this, but not to this script (thinking during
breakfast... The script I modified is part of our test suite, and it'd
be wrong to mark soon-to-expire keys as failing). But I think I will
modify in this same way the mail_expired script - making it not
consume from the no-expired test, but asking directly from gpg.

I also just (!) took notice of this bug report and its history;
although we informally discussed this a long time ago, I'd like to
give _my_ answer to Jonathan's questions¹. Note that they are _my_
take on that, just as ⅓ of the relevant team (where Jonathan is
another ⅓).

¹ https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=892058#10

- What email to notify from? I think it can be keyring-maint@d.o. Why
  not? It's not going to be so massive, and if we get bounces... Well,
  they will not be hundreds of them.

- Which mail to notify? I think just the @debian.org address should
  suffice. Yes, we know of some DDs that disable this address, but I
  don't think they are significative enough for us to even notice.

- How often? I often do a mail every time I push out a keyring (which
  is, approximately, one out of three months). I think we could do
  this run on a monthly basis, notifying people that are to expire in
  two or three months time.

- Why is it keyring-maint's responsibility? It is not, but it is a
  service we can perform, much like any other person can. It just
  happens that we have all of the data in our hands.

- How long to care for long expired keys? I often mail everybody with
  an expired key, but it'd be quite easy to have some different mails
  -- Could be along the lines of "Key about to expire, please act now"
  (-2 to 0 months), "Key recently expired" (0 to 3 months), "Do note
  your key has expired" (3 to 12 months), "Key long expired" (12 to 24
  months), and... "Radio silence, please call in MIA".

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