On 10/7/20 10:33 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> On 21-09-2020 17:52, Paul Gevers wrote:
>>> Apparently
>>> the very same tests don't time out on the buildds.
>> I don't know what timeouts apply to buildds, but indeed I think they are
>> much higher to cope with *building* some extremely big packages.
> Do you know how much time these tests would take? If so, I wonder if we
> should make it possible for individual packages to have a longer
> timeout. It would be work on the debci/ci.d.n side of things, but not
> impossible of course.

For an upper bound, use the build time: The very same tests are run during the
build. And I think this is done for many packages.

The other question is, if it's sensible to run the upstream test suite as an
autopkg test, if it's already run during the build.  Ideally it should only run
the autopkg tests which test on integration issues with run time dependencies,
but this would require analyzing some 10000 tests and

For now I just disabled the jdk tests as an autopkg test. So please clear the
test results, to run it again, and let it migrate.


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