On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 06:34:35AM -0500, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Josh" == Josh Triplett <j...@joshtriplett.org> writes:
>     Josh> I'm happy to contribute towards any of these paths, or another
>     Josh> path that would avoid expanding the pseudo-Essential set.
> Josh, I found your message fairly frustrating, because you jumped
> immediately to the assumption that we want to limit the pseudo-essential
> set in this way.

That wasn't the intention. I wasn't asking people to actively contribute
towards that goal; I was seeking feedback on potential solutions, prior
to putting in implementation effort. I was also raising the issue on
-devel, because changes in Essential/pseudo-Essential typically get
discussed there, and this one hadn't been as far as I could find.

I realize that often, in such discussions, people reporting bugs or
making feature requests may be expecting others to do the work of
implementing such solutions. I was trying to avert that. I started with
the baseline assumption that anyone wanting to see the pseudo-Essential
set shrink or even remain at the same size would also have to step up
and do the work; I wanted to start that discussion and offer to help. I
wasn't assuming that everyone agreed with that goal. It certainly didn't
cross my mind to think my message made any assumptions that could
generate a strong negative reaction.

Based on the functionality factored out of libc6 and the transitional
handling of those libraries (treating them as successors and adding
temporary -dev dependencies but avoiding runtime dependencies so that
the libraries would be possible to remove in the future), I thought it
would help to catch a case that might otherwise potentially result in a
multi-release challenge in trying to remove such packages. Packages in
the pseudo-Essential set, while not Essential themselves, can be quite
challenging to remove once released; other packages may have implicit
assumptions about their presence.

So, to restate explicitly:
- If we're going to handle this, I think it'll be *much* easier to do so
  before it hits stable.
- I'm willing to help with this.
- I'd like to figure out the best approach to handling this.

> I'm not involved in PAM these days, so consider this the opinion of an
> outside bystander.
> I think it would be most interesting to see about dllopening the NIS
> support.
> That seems least invasive to sysadmin experience--if you have NIS
> installed  at the libc6 nsswitch layer, you can also get it at the pam
> layer.

That seemed like the least invasive option to me, as well. Long-term, I
think it may still make sense to make PAM non-Essential, but I think
that'd be a substantially larger change, and one that would require more

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