On Tue, 29 Dec 2020 14:52:17 +0100 Ansgar <ans...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-12-28 at 20:34 -0800, Josh Triplett wrote:
> > - Make pam_unix dlopen the necessary libraries
> [...]
> > - Build pam_unix with and without NIS support, and make libpam-
> > modules
> Wouldn't it be cleaner to move NIS stuff into its own PAM module,
> i.e. a pam_nis?

Yes, absolutely. Unfortunately, pam_unix has historically had NIS
support built-in rather than as a separate module, so at the very least,
moving that to a separate module would require a *very careful*
configuration migration. And compared to other possibilities, editing
existing PAM configuration seems extremely error-prone. That would also
be a divergence from upstream PAM. For all those reasons, I'd be
extremely hesitant to advocate such an approach. That said, if that were
the approach the PAM maintainers would prefer, I'd be happy to help
implement it.

It seems more robust to either dlopen NIS support or ship two versions
of pam_unix. Both of those would keep existing configurations working
entirely unmodified. The former approach would involve a NEWS.Debian
entry telling the user to install NIS libraries if needed; the latter
would involve either a package with the NIS version of pam_unix and a
diversion, or two mutually exclusive packages.

> > - Migrate libpam-modules itself towards dropping the Essential flag.

[For clarity, this would be a much larger task, and I'm not proposing
doing this quickly. I think it would make more sense to take one of the
other steps first.]

> Do utilities like `su` or `sudo` still work w/o libpam-modules
> installed (at least for root)?

No, by design they would not; if you want to use either of those, or
otherwise support interactive users, you'd need PAM installed and
configured. sudo already depends on libpam-modules. passwd does as well.

setuid/setgid programs would still work. And there are several tools
that can run programs as a different user: setpriv for interactive or
script use as root, start-stop-daemon for init scripts, systemd's User
and Group directives, runit's chpst, and likely others. So it would
still be possible to run programs as other users, and to drop
privileges; it just wouldn't be possible to interactively authenticate
to gain privileges.

Any system with interactive users almost certainly wants PAM. Embedded
systems, special-purpose servers, and containers/chroots don't
necessarily need it, though.

> Is it possible to log in to a system w/o libpam-modules installed?
> Via OpenSSH public key auth?  Via local console?

It's possible to log in via OpenSSH or Dropbear or similar, if
configured to not use PAM. OpenSSH does have a hard dependency on
libpam-modules, but dropbear would work (and it's a common choice on
embedded systems).

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