Severity 979540 important

> supposed to be either "ext" or "int" it used "WINDOW DECORATIONS RELOADED".

That is a message from Gtk I guess.

> Any application using gtk windows and using stdout to provide usefull data to 
> file
> storage/pipes,  may be broken.

What the version of the package uploaded does is removing a line
        @import 'window_decorations.css';
from gtk-3.0.css, if it is present.

This seems to upset Gtk somehow, but it (=gtk) should not issue anything
to stdout in this case I guess.

I will discuss with the rest of the Team how to deal with it.

Thanks for the report


PREINING Norbert                    
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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