Thanks for the report.

I think there are really two issues here.

(a) the demo/ source directory is not included in the package

(b) you're having trouble LaTeXing the demos

Issue (a) is absolutely not ideal. I'm considering including them in
/usr/share/doc/pdf-presenter-console/examples/ but fiddling around to
have the Makefile just invoke latexmk, and adding a latexmkrc, and not
including the video files instead having the Makefile download them.
Including the video files seems like overkill. Of course, they need
pdfpc.sty in texlive-latex-extra. Maybe the package should Suggest:
them? That seems like overkill. Maybe this stuff should be in a
separate -doc or -demo package? That seems a bit silly. I suppose
adding a check to the Makefile that issues a warning if those packages
are not installed might be the best compromise.

Which brings us to (b). Both the demos work fine for me (using plain
old "latexmk --pdf"). Under debian testing. Do you have
texlive-latex-extra installed? If so, please install latexmk and send
a full transcript of

$ cd demo
$ latexmk --pdf -gg pdfpc-demo.tex
$ cd pdfpc-video-example
$ latexmk --pdf -gg video-example.tex

and I'll see if I can diagnose the problem.

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