Brian Potkin wrote:
>> USB connected printers and driverless printing
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> The Release Notes for Debian 10 briefly describe the driverless printing
>> situation implemented via CUPS and cups-filters. [1] The changes apply to
>> modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless. [2]
>> The release of Debian 11 sees the inclusion of ipp-usb in the stable
>> archive. ipp-usb is recommended by cups-daemon and utilises the
>> vendor-neutral IPP-over-USB protocol that is supported by many modern
>> printers. ipp-usb allows a USB device to be seen and treated as a network
>> device. The outcome is that driverless printing is extended to include USB
>> connected printers. The specifics are outlined on the wiki. [3]
>> The systemd service file included in the ipp-usb package starts the
>> ipp-usb daemon when a printer is plugged in. A USB connected printer now
>> becomes available to print to, either by being auto-setup by cups-browsed,
>> which is the default technique, or being manually installed [4] with a
>> local driverless print queue.
>> The use of vendor printer drivers, free and non-free, becomes unnecessary
>> with networked and USB connected printers.
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
> Thinking on:
>   The Release Notes for Debian 10 briefly describe...
> should probably be
>   The Release Notes for Debian 10 briefly describes...

Plural "notes", so I'd say that they "describe" the situation (and my
native en_GB tends if anything to be more tolerant than en_US of
mismatches).  But it might be worth shifting things round so that the
sentence has a different subject, since this would let it introduce
topics in a more natural order:

   Modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless [1] can use driverless
   printing, implemented via CUPS and cups-filters, as described in the
   Debian 10 "buster" Release Notes. [2]



Oh, watch out, that /stable/ URL will point at the wrong thing soon!
We need 

> Having [3] as
> might be considered more targeted.

Calling that anchor "#debian" implies that the rest of the page is
about something other than Debian; and using the release name as a
section title will make things harder to follow once we're moving
towards Debian 12 "bookworm"!  Couldn't the section be titled
something like "IPP-over-USB: automatic setup"?
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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