Justin B Rye wrote:
> Well, for a start, we don't want to make users read through two
> separate competing explanations of what driverless operation is when
> they only need to read one.  We should try to pull out as much
> repeated material as possible from the two sections and say it in an
> introductory paragraph; and for that to work, they have to be in a
> joint "Printing and Scanning" section.

Here's an attempt at a combi-printer/scanner section, incorporating
both the existing driverless-SANE part and your new driverless-CUPS
patch with a lot of squeezing of repetitive bits.  I may well have
introduced Docbook syntax errors as well as garbling the sense.
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff --git a/en/whats-new.dbk b/en/whats-new.dbk
index c301cfad..41b72c1e 100644
--- a/en/whats-new.dbk
+++ b/en/whats-new.dbk
@@ -99,40 +99,74 @@ see any updates for these packages and they will be marked as
-<section id="sane-driverless-scanning">
-  <title>SANE and driverless scanning</title>
+<section id="driverless-operation">
+  <title>Driverless scanning and printing</title>
-    Driverless scanning is the ability to scan without requiring a
-    free or non-free backend driver specific to that scanner model.
-    It is mainly associated with modern multi-function devices, but
-    some modern standalone scanners are known to work
-    driverless. <quote>Modern</quote> refers to devices that have been
+    Both printing with <literal>CUPS</literal> and scanning with
+    <literal>SANE</literal> are increasingly likely to be possible
+    without the need for any (often non-free) backend driver specific
+    to the model of the hardware, especially in the case of devices
     marketed in the past five years or so.
-  <para>
-    The official <literal>SANE</literal> driverless backend is
-    provided by <literal>sane-escl</literal> in <systemitem
-    role="package">libsane1</systemitem>. An independently developed
-    driverless backend is <systemitem
-    role="package">sane-airscan</systemitem>. Both backends understand
-    the <ulink url="https://wiki.debian.org/SaneOverNetwork#escl";>eSCL
-    protocol</ulink> but <systemitem
-    role="package">sane-airscan</systemitem> can also use the <ulink
-    url="https://wiki.debian.org/SaneOverNetwork#wsd";>WSD</ulink>
-    protocol. Users should consider having both backends on their
-    systems.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-    <literal>eSCL</literal> and <literal>WSD</literal> are network
-    protocols. Consequently they will operate over a USB connection if
-    the device is an <ulink
-    url="https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSDriverlessPrinting#ippoverusb";>IPP-over-USB</ulink>
-    device. Note that <systemitem role="package">libsane1</systemitem>
-    has <systemitem role="package">ipp-usb</systemitem> as a
-    recommended package. This leads to a suitable device being
-    automatically set up to use a driverless backend driver when it is
-    connected to a USB port.
-  </para>
+  <section id="CUPS and driverless printinging">
+    <title>CUPS and driverless printing</title>
+    <para>
+     Modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless can already use
+     <ulink url="https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSQuickPrintQueues";>driverless
+     printing</ulink>, implemented via <literal>CUPS</literal> and <sysitem
+     role="package">cups-filters</sysitem>, as was described in the <ulink
+     url="https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/amd64/release-notes/ch-whats-new.html#driverless-printing";>Release
+     Notes for buster</ulink>. Debian 11 <quote>bullseye</quote>
+     brings the new package <systemitem role="package">ipp-usb</sysitem>,
+     which is recommended by <systemitem role="package">cups-daemon</sysitem>
+     and uses the vendor-neutral <ulink
+     url="https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSDriverlessPrinting#ippoverusb";>IPP-over-USB</ulink>
+     protocol supported by many modern printers. This allows a USB
+     device to be treated as a network device, extending driverless printing
+     to include USB-connected printers. The specifics are outlined
+     <ulink url="https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSDriverlessPrinting#ipp-usb";>on
+     the wiki</ulink>.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The systemd service file included in the <systemitem
+     role="package">ipp-usb</sysitem> package starts the
+     <literal>ipp-usb</literal> daemon when a USB-connected
+     printer is plugged in, thus making it available to print to. By
+     default <systemitem role="package">cups-browsed</sysitem> should
+     configure it automatically, or it can be
+     <ulink url="https://wiki.debian.org/SystemPrinting";>manually set
+     up with a local driverless print queue</ulink>.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="SANE and driverless scanning">
+    <title>SANE and driverless scanning</title>
+    <para>
+      The official <literal>SANE</literal> driverless backend is
+      provided by <literal>sane-escl</literal> in <systemitem
+      role="package">libsane1</systemitem>. An independently developed
+      driverless backend is <systemitem
+      role="package">sane-airscan</systemitem>. Both backends understand
+      the <ulink url="https://wiki.debian.org/SaneOverNetwork#escl";>eSCL
+      protocol</ulink> but <systemitem
+      role="package">sane-airscan</systemitem> can also use the <ulink
+      url="https://wiki.debian.org/SaneOverNetwork#wsd";>WSD</ulink>
+      protocol. Users should consider having both backends on their
+      systems.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      <literal>eSCL</literal> and <literal>WSD</literal> are network
+      protocols. Consequently they will operate over a USB connection if
+      the device is an <literal>IPP-over-USB</literal> device (see
+      above). Note that <systemitem
+      role="package">libsane1</systemitem> has <systemitem
+      role="package">ipp-usb</systemitem> as a recommended package. This
+      leads to a suitable device being automatically set up to use a
+      driverless backend driver when it is connected to a USB port.
+    </para>
+   </section>
 <section id="major-packages">

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