Hello Mikhail,

Am 02.09.21 um 18:05 schrieb Mikhail Morfikov:

It looks like that with the version of 91, Thunderbird removed support for
Movemail accounts. There's no way to setup such account anymore with this
version, and all already present account are removed without any info or
warning. At least the mail stayed intact. I had to install the previous version
(1:78.13.0-1) to revert the unpleasant change.

and what do you expect as further action?
If you want to complain about the removal you need to address this to MZLNA. Debian is packaging what upstream is providing, some things might need some adjustment to be in compliance with the Debian project rules. But at least for Thunderbird and similar packages we do not re-add and maintain features we can't keep up to date in the long run.

Following the bug report you pointed it's obvious that the user base is simply to small that it will come back in the near future.

I see no work I or Debian needs to do here and will close this report by this email.


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