* Bastian Germann <bastiangerm...@fishpost.de> [2021-10-07 11:00:28 CEST]:
> Am 07.10.21 um 10:55 schrieb Rhonda D'Vine:
> >   I think you misunderstand how the GPL works.  The GPL is known to be
> > viral, and licenses compatible with the GPL are indeed compatible with
> > it because they allow to be covered under the GPL.  The whole work in
> > the end is covered by the GPL, and thus it is in my understanding
> > allowed to write it that way.
> This issue is not about GPL. It is about Debian Policy, which says in 12.5:
> "Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its distribution
> license(s) in the file /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright."

 And the package is distributed as a whole under GPL-2+.  This is
fulfilled, and in alignment with how licenses and specifically the GPL

> So it is actually a Policy violation. But I am not raising severity again to
> keep things calm. If you soubt that please contact FTP Master.

 You are the one that claims it's a policy violation - but I don't see
that justified.  You are free to discuss your view on that with ftp
master though.

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