Ok please send along the patches. Sorry again for all the trouble. Do you know of some way I can check for libtool problems prior to making new releases? I think this is the 3rd time something like this has happened

On 12/1/21 7:39 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 1 December 2021 at 21:41, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
| Indeed, it will need a trip through NEW. So going via experimental would
| be appreciated. But, once it passed NEW, you can then immediatly follow
| up with the upload to unstable. I will take care of the binNMUs of the
| reverse dependencies


And big thank you both. We should soon be in better shape with 2.7.1 as 
libgsl27 !

Patrick: I still have two local patches in the patches. One is one
'gsl-cblas' linkage (and I have forgotten the details, but I can probably dig
them up) and a simple manual page edit.  We should probably fold the manual
page in, and can look into that before the next release.


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