On 1 December 2021 at 21:47, Patrick Alken wrote:
| Ok please send along the patches.

Sure thing. They are actually 'in the open' as we (== Debian devs) these days
have most / all work in git(-lab via our instance at salsa.debian.org).  See
this directory and note that the 'series' file governs which ones go in. (I
am a bit of a packrat and keep old ones around.)


| Sorry again for all the trouble. Do you know of some way I can check for
| libtool problems prior to making new releases? I think this is the 3rd time
| something like this has happened

No troubles at all, and good question. For what I do as an upstream author
(which is mostly R related) I sometimes try to tie myself down with tests (ie
wrote shell script the other day extracing the release version number and
checking if NEWS has it too as I released a few stales ones at times).

But libtool, while I have _seen it used_ since the 1990s, is a little above
my pay grade and higher up in complexity...


https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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