Am Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 09:10:45PM +0100 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> Hi Étienne,
> Am Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 11:11:03PM +0200 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> > While working on #983840, I needed to do some testing of the
> > package, and notice examples in doc/examples/.  Maybe they could
> > be a source of inspiration for building an autopkgtest test
> > suite?
> I think the idea itself is good but the realisation has some flaws.
> I've commited some code implementing the idea to Git but it seems we
> need to exclude lots of those examples as you can see for instance here
> in the Salsa CI
> May be running the build-time nosetest is the easier approach to an
> autopkgtest.

Thanks for porting to pytest.  I've added the pytest test to autopkgtest
but all tests are failing:

Any idea what might be wrong here?

Kind regards



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