
在 2021/12/22 02:31, Boyuan Yang 写道:

Using the filename "changelog-upstream" is not a standard practice. Why not
just keep using the old filename /usr/share/doc/liblunar-date-dev/changelog?

The upstream NEWS  file is the upstream changelog in fact,

I rename it before:

NEWS => usr/share/doc/liblunar-date-dev/changelog

At upstream current version, there is no file named Changelog in it's top level directory.

But I has a little worry about that upstream add this Changelog file again in the next.

If in this situation, rename NEWS to "changelog-upstream" will avoid conflict.

As email title said, using Breaks+Replaces: liblunar-date-dev (<< 3) would be

Anyway, let's use standard practice at first.

Do it in salsa and upload to mentors.d.n, welcome to review and upload.


肖盛文 xiao sheng wen Faris Xiao
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