On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 12:26:00PM +0100, Markus Hiereth wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> the previously reported p
> roblem is quite probable due to fact that the setup instruction on groupmems 
> hadn't be performs.

Ah, I see, manpage recommends setgid.  The instructions in
the manpage are definitely not right, though.  For instance,
they say to chown groupmems after the chmod, but the chown
will negate the chmod.

More importantly, groupmems will try to open a file called
/etc/group.$pid, which it will not be allowed to do just by
virtue of being setuid-group 'groups'.

So yes, the recommended setup can't work.  I wonder whether
anyone actually uses groupmems, or whether we should deprecate

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