Hi Serge,

i did a few more tests, see the logging of the console.


- groupmems expects the password of the user who wants to add another
  user to his group (as You found out too)

- groupmems does not accept the group password for his primary group

- groupmems fails in case the binary has only set the setgid
  bit. Although man groupmems tells that this would be one of the
  preconditions for usage (problem with locking /etc/group)

- groupmems works in case the binary has the setuid bit set (as You
  found out too)

Best regards

Script started on 2022-02-17 11:04:39+01:00 [TERM="linux" TTY="/dev/tty2" 
COLUMNS="80" LINES="25"]
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ grep tester2 /etc/group
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ groups
tester2 groups

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3

Passwort:    #input of group password
groupmems: PAM: Fehler bei Authentifizierung
#group password rejected

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3
groupmems: Permission denied.
groupmems: /etc/group konnte nicht gesperrt werden; versuchen Sie es später 
noch einmal.

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ ls -l /usr/sbin/groupmems
-rwx--s--- 1 root groups 66104  7. Feb 2020  /usr/sbin/groupmems
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ ls -l /etc/group
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 967 17. Feb 10:49 /etc/group

#change group of file group
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ ls -l /etc/group
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root groups 967 17. Feb 10:49 /etc/group

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3
Passwort: #input of password of tester2
groupmems: Permission denied.
groupmems: /etc/group konnte nicht gesperrt werden; versuchen Sie es später 
noch einmal.

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3
Passwort: #input of group password for groups
groupmems: PAM: Fehler bei Authentifizierung
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ exit

Script done on 2022-02-17 11:20:08+01:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="1"]
Script started on 2022-02-17 11:32:19+01:00 [TERM="linux" TTY="/dev/tty2" 
COLUMNS="80" LINES="25"]

#setgid bit was remove, setuid bit was set for executable groupmems
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ -lls -l /usr/sbin/groupmems
-rws--x--- 1 root groups 66104  7. Feb 2020  /usr/sbin/groupmems
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3
Passwort: #input of password for tester2
[?2004htester2@lune:~$ /usr/sbin/groupmems -a tester3
Passwort: #input of group password for groups
groupmems: PAM: Fehler bei Authentifizierung

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ grep tester2 /etc/group

[?2004htester2@lune:~$ exit

Script done on 2022-02-17 11:42:48+01:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]

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