On Sat, 2022-02-19 at 11:02 +0100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> Source: numba
> Followup-For: Bug #1000336
> onetbb is now building (in experimental) for all arches except
> armel and armhf.
> Is it worth at this point to make an upload of numba 0.55 to
> experimental to check that it's building and passing tests for the
> other arches?

It would... except numpy 1.22 just hit experimental on the 18th. and
numba isn't compatible with numpy 1.22. I tried adding this to

python3-numpy (<< 1.22),

but my sbuild resolver still picked up numpy from experimental and
refused to build.

Upstream has a meta bug with the numpy 1.22 issues.

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