clone 1006917 -1
reassign -1 libfile-keepass-perl
retitle -1 libfile-keepass-perl: crashes "not well-formed (invalid token)" when 
finding escape characters
severity -1 important


Am 18.03.22 um 12:02 schrieb Rhonda D'Vine:
* Arno Töll<>  [2022-03-17 14:07:02 CET]:
Hi Rhonda,

Am 08.03.22 um 16:31 schrieb Rhonda D'Vine:
   Upstream is at 3.6 in the meantime, I'm willing to update it now that I
digged a bit further into it.  If I don't hear back in the next few days
I propose an NMU for it, as thanks for having it around in the first
place. :)
please feel free to do, and go ahead. Feel free to add yourself as a
maintainer/uploader if you wish. ;-)
  Do you have a copy of the git repository you used still around?  It
never seems to have been moved to salsa, and I for obvious reasons would
work based on what's there already. :)

Alioth's archive of the repository is at That allows for bare import, including git history into salsa.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time for Debian these days, sorry about that.

The issue has been properly reassigned in the meantime. Thanks for that
  It actually hasn't been reassigned but closed I noticed, and I'm also
not so convinced to call it only a minor issue, because as I explained,
I managed to fix it because I know my way around the code, but that's
not something to expect from regular users.  I will be looking into
filing this with the upstream tracker though.

How about duplicating the issue and reassigning one to libfile-keepass-perl? I'm not sure about the priority, but something below RC might do for that. I did so as per this mail.

Arno Töll

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