reopen 1007914

* Lester Hightower <> [2022-03-18 12:53:30 CET]:
> Please note that marking this bug as "grave" queued kpcli for autoremoval
> from Debian testing:

 I am very well aware how the bug states work.  Thing is, why do you
think the data loss isn't severe enough to warrant a release critical
status?  It's definitely not a minor issue.

> Receiving that notice is what made me act yesterday.

 Thing is, demoting release critical bugs without fixing them isn't the
most helpful thing.  I know that it might be a pain at times, but not
being able to get to your passwords is a very critical issue for kpcli.

 That said, even having it in a release-critical state against the
library package would remove kpcli because it would get removed together
with it, and given that kpcli is the only package depending on
libfile-keepass-perl the difference is only minor in the end.

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