Re: Steinar H. Gunderson
> OK, so /home isn't pruned, but it still thinks there are zero .jp files
> anywhere on your filesystem. My guess then would be that it thinks that
> /home is unchanged since last updatedb _and_ that the existing database
> doesn't contain anything (for whatever buggy reason). Could you try simply
> rm-ing the .db file and rerun updatedb?

Thanks, that worked indeed, and also took much longer to run instead
of just a few seconds:

[0] 10:59 cbe@lehmann:~ master $ sudo updatedb
[0] 11:20 cbe@lehmann:~ master $ locate myon2.jpg

I had not touched plocate after it got automatically installed as
mlocate replacement.

In fact I have this problem on three different bookworm machines (out
of 3 I use), and only on one of them I got it working after trying to
poke around with permissions on the database file, and probably
deleting it once during fiddling around.

Installing it on a bullseye machine Just Worked when I tried it now.


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