Can I suggest that this be rejected as it has no review from the Debian Maintainers Team (on git or otherwise)? (I've recently been added as a maintainer on the Git side of this for the Salsa repo, though not an uploader *yet* with my DM rights, but as we manage this on Git VCS... this should be a merge into the existing repo.  And as long as I get no objections, I'm going to be working on getting 1.18.0-9 uploaded soon because it fixes the pending serious FTBFS bug thanks to a merged pull request on Salsa which I went through, tested, and approved for the master branch.)

There has been zero review of any such split requests, and this really should go via Git and merge requests and stuff.

Question to the original poster of the RFS: *why*?  NGINX packaging has not yet adapted to things.

And to MIA/mentors: the package is not yet 'abandoned', I'm going to get mentors sponsoring until a DD adds nginx to my uploads. (see my commits on - i'm rapidly working on an RC fix for the RC bug that prevents nginx from migrating to testing as of now, since we have a rollback of the Lua module version now in Salsa)


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