On 2022-02-27 10:09:32, Paul Wise wrote:
> Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome/issues/177
> On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 23:43:14 +0800 SZ Lin (林上智) wrote:
>> The "gitsome" has used "gh" since 2017, and thus would you mind renaming
>> the "gh" in your package to avoid the conflict issue?
> Since gh is the official GitHub client, probably it should retain "gh"
> and gitsome should move to "git some" or similar, as I have suggested
> in the above upstream issue. The only commentor there agreed with me.

And I agree with you. The gitsome package already installs two binaries:
one is called "gh" and the other is called "gitsome". It seems to me it
could simply drop the "gh" alias and none would be the worse.

SZ, in your February 26 message[1], you explicitly asked the gh package
maintainers to rename their package, which was refused. It seems the
concensus that has developped in the following thread is that it is
instead your package, gitsome, that should have its binary renamed.

Pabs suggested `gitsome` could also be renamed to `git-some` which would
make it visible as a `git some` subcommand, from what I understand. It
seems like the `gh` alias is kind of an alias unrelated with the main
functionality of the package.

SZ, do you agree with removing the `gh` binary from the `gitsome` binary
package? I'd be happy to send a NMU to do this if you agree, which would
unblock `gh` from migrating into testing.

Otherwise, how can we reach consensus on this? The policy says that if
we can't reach consensus, *both* packages need to be renamed, and that
seems like a situation where we would all lose.

I'll also point out that the upstream issue hasn't seen any activity
since pabs commented on it in February, so it doesn't seem like we can
count on upstream to fix this for us. The issue has been open for 2
years now.

Thank you for your time!


Tu connaîtras la vérité de ton chemin à ce qui te rend heureux.
                        - Aristote

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