
Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org> 於 2022年5月19日 週四 下午10:11寫道:
> On 2022-02-27 10:09:32, Paul Wise wrote:
> > Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome/issues/177
> >
> > On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 23:43:14 +0800 SZ Lin (林上智) wrote:
> >
> >> The "gitsome" has used "gh" since 2017, and thus would you mind renaming
> >> the "gh" in your package to avoid the conflict issue?
> >
> > Since gh is the official GitHub client, probably it should retain "gh"
> > and gitsome should move to "git some" or similar, as I have suggested
> > in the above upstream issue. The only commentor there agreed with me.
> And I agree with you. The gitsome package already installs two binaries:
> one is called "gh" and the other is called "gitsome". It seems to me it
> could simply drop the "gh" alias and none would be the worse.
> SZ, in your February 26 message[1], you explicitly asked the gh package
> maintainers to rename their package, which was refused. It seems the
> concensus that has developped in the following thread is that it is
> instead your package, gitsome, that should have its binary renamed.
> Pabs suggested `gitsome` could also be renamed to `git-some` which would
> make it visible as a `git some` subcommand, from what I understand. It
> seems like the `gh` alias is kind of an alias unrelated with the main
> functionality of the package.
> SZ, do you agree with removing the `gh` binary from the `gitsome` binary
> package? I'd be happy to send a NMU to do this if you agree, which would
> unblock `gh` from migrating into testing.

Yes, please go ahead :-)

> Otherwise, how can we reach consensus on this? The policy says that if
> we can't reach consensus, *both* packages need to be renamed, and that
> seems like a situation where we would all lose.
> I'll also point out that the upstream issue hasn't seen any activity
> since pabs commented on it in February, so it doesn't seem like we can
> count on upstream to fix this for us. The issue has been open for 2
> years now.

Yeah, it seems like the upstream is inactive somehow.


> Thank you for your time!
> [1]: 
> https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/CAFk6z8Mw0kFHehm_a7=0bmdt6mzff03sewx+y93xy42bkq7...@mail.gmail.com
> --
> Tu connaîtras la vérité de ton chemin à ce qui te rend heureux.
>                         - Aristote

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