On 28/05/2022 18:51, Jeroen Ploemen wrote:
Paul, Thomas, thanks for digging up the old reject.

Peter, I did some more digging and found one unresolved copyright
issue from my previous comment as well as some fresh ones:
* copyright holder Pascal Below for various scrobbler-related files
   is still missing
* copyright holder Nick Lanham missing for savedgroupingmanager.cpp;
   note that copyright for both .cpp and .h is shared with Jonas Kvinge
* missing entry for src/core/lazy.h
* as the info for src/dbus/*.xml doesn't seem to exist anywhere in
   the sources, please add a comment field to that paragraph
   explaining what the entry is based on
* the license paragraph for GPL-3 doesn't restrict the version to
   v3 only (other than the shortname suggesting so) and lacks a link
   to the full text of the license on debian systems

I noticed you changed the build to qt6 and while that works fine, it
does seem that at the moment qt5 is very much the standard qt release
in the distribution. A quick comparison using `reverse-depends -b
qt6-tools-dev` vs the same for qttools5-dev showed 6 packages
build-depending on the former and around 300 on the latter. Is there
any particular advantage to using qt6 for strawberry?

Don't worry too much about the reprotest, sometimes these things throw
a tantrum.

Hi Jeroen,

Updated copyright and reverted to Qt5

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