I searched my records and found the rejection. Looks like it's fixable.
Quoted here and I've cc'd the ftpteam if anyone has questions

|   REJECT reasoning   |

A trainee points out:

ext\libstrawberry-common\core\scoped_nsautorelease_pool.mm has a different
license and copyright holders

src\engine\enginebase.cpp and others not accounted for by d/copyright.

src\widgets\qsearchfield_mac.mm and src\widgets\qsearchfield_nonmac.cpp not
accounted for by d/copyright.

|    Other comments    |

d/copyright does not account for ext\libstrawberry-common\core\logging.cpp.

src/dbus/*.xml are from a different project so presumably different

|         N.B.         |

This review may not be exhaustive.  Please check your source package
against your d/copyright and the ftpmaster REJECT-FAQ, throughly,
before uploading to NEW again.

Thank you for your time and contribution!


On Wed, May 18, 2022, 12:18 PM Jeroen Ploemen <j...@debian.org> wrote:

> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> On Fri, 6 May 2022 13:11:37 +0100
> Peter <pe...@pblackman.plus.com> wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "strawberry":
> hi Peter,
> like pollo, I'm puzzled by the mention on the ITP bug of the package
> being in NEW at some point, only to vanish into thin air? Would be
> nice to know what happened to it, if only to avoid running into the
> same problems. Maybe Thomas would like to chime in on this?
> That said, I took a look anyway. Some comments and observations:
> - There's an unused manpage in the debian dir, an apparent leftover
>   from the earlier packaging effort
> - Copyright:
>   * missing copyright holder "Pascal Below" (for various
>     scrobbler-related files)
>   * missing info for 3rdparty/macdeployqt
>   * wrong license for 3rdparty/SPMediaKeyTap
>   * is upstream the sole contributor to the debian packaging?
>   * MIT and Expat license definitions appear identical, please use
>     Expat as the license name throughout and remove the duplicate
>   * the content of the license paragraphs for GPL-3 and GPL-3+ is
>     identical (but obviously shouldn't be)
>   * be careful to exclude copyright claims, comments, etc. from the
>     license paragraphs; i.e. make the definitions for the BSD-style
>     licenses start at "Redistribution and use..." so they're generic
>     and re-usable; everything else belongs in the Files paragraphs
> - Control:
>   * short description shouldn't start with caps
>   * hardcoded libsqlite3-0 library dependency should be handled by
>     ${shlibs:Depends} (libqt5sql5-sqlite is only recommended by the
>     qt sql lib so that one might actually be justified)
>   * a slightly newer standards-version out has come out recently
>   * VCS: consider setting up a git repo on salsa.debian.org for your
>     packaging work and enabling the CI there: it's a great quality
>     control and collaboration tool, and a real timesaver for reviewers
>     too
> - Docs: upstream changelog installed as doc rather than as changelog
>   (via dh_installchangelogs)
> - Rules: better list those files in d/clean instead of using an
>   override
> - Upstream/metadata: is a github user page -even that of the lead
>   developer- really the best place to contact the upstream project?
> - Watch: unused dversionmangling
> - Build: why -fpermissive?
> - FHS: according to its manpage, the tagreader binary "is not meant to
>   be run on its own"; is /usr/bin really where it should be installed?
>   See https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/ (libexec?)
> - Lintian:
>   * I: strawberry: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry
>     usr/share/applications/org.strawberrymusicplayer.strawberry.desktop
> - Tests: upstream ships a testsuite; if possible, please run it on
>   build and/or deploy it as an autopkgtest
> Please remove the moreinfo tag (and CC me directly) once you have an
> updated package ready.

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