On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 11:00:11PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> The expire dates are controlled by useradd's configuration file
> /etc/login.defs, and the format is documented, so there is nothing too
> wrong by just grepping the information from there. For a non-system
> account, we would re-establish the default expiration value, or we could
> save the expiration date in a state file and read it from there. Otoh,
> for a system account, we should probably just disable account expiration
> and document that adduser as a policy layer does not handle system
> accounts with an expiration date.

Sounds reasonable.

> We're going to need state for some requested features anyway, sooner or
> later.
> The nologin shell has the nice advantage of denying login _with_ _a_
> _message_ should somebody be able to log in to the account by some other
> means that might be allowed by weird PAM and ssh stuff. I would like to
> do that anyway, albeid not being strictly necessary.

Sure. I had thought that expiry would be sufficient. However, if you are
saving state after locking, it is simple enough to use the nologin shell
as another hardening step.

> I'd like to claim that feature and work on it if you're ok with that.
> I'm going to create a branch deluser-lock and push frequently, so you
> can review what I am doing. I reserve the right to force-push that
> branch though.

Proceed, of course!

Slowness on my part shouldn't hold things up! ;)


Jason Franklin

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