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On Sun, Sep 11, 2022 at 9:42 PM Helge Kreutzmann <> wrote:
> Since upgrading I get the error message:
> fetchmail: can't accept options while a background fetchmail is running.
> argc = 3, arg list:
> arg 1 = "-a"
> arg 2 = "-s"
> This also happens when called on the command line.
> However, fetchmail is not intended to run in the background, expecially:
> # cat /etc/default/fetchmail
> …
> # Declare here if we want to start fetchmail. 'yes' or 'no'
 Yes, this is for the initscripts.

> But somehow it is in the background:
> helge       2994  0.0  0.0  13984  8216 ?        Ss   20:07   0:00 fetchmail 
> --nodetach --daemon 300
 I think it is started by systemd. What do you get when issuing the
following commands?
$ systemctl --user status fetchmail.service
$ systemctl --user disable fetchmail.service
$ systemctl --user stop fetchmail.service
# systemctl --global disable fetchmail

(Please be aware the last command is run as root.)

> In the system logs (from boot until now) I get lots of errors:
 This means the service is indeed installed and is in use.
After executing the commands above, run your "fetchmail -a -s" again
and see how it goes now.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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