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Hi Helge,

On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 10:09 PM Helge Kreutzmann <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 08:05:50PM +0200, László Böszörményi (GCS) wrote:
> >  Yes, this is for the initscripts.
> Ok, but this is not clear and it used to work until very recently.
 Yup, with 6.4.33-1 the systemd user retrieval service accidentally
enabled. It's a parallel system next to initscripts.

> > # systemctl --global disable fetchmail
> Removed "/etc/systemd/user/".
 This fixes it and I'm going to upload a package which fixes this issue.

> So I suppose when "START_DAEMON=no" then the above commands need to
> be issued in the postinst?
 Nope, it's for fetchmail itself only.

Fixed package which no longer enables systemd service for users is on its way.
Thanks for the feedback,

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