Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 t-coffee
Control: severity -2 serious
Control: retitle -2 t-coffee regression -- segfaults for cases that files that 
worked with previous release

t-coffee is breaking python-biopython build. I ran the test in question w/ gdb 
and I
observe a segfault from t_coffee's end.

Starting program: /usr/bin/t_coffee -output clustalw_aln -infile Fasta/fa01 
-outfile Fasta/tc_out.aln -type protein -outorder input -gapopen -2 -gapext -5
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
[Detaching after vfork from child process 231299]
[Detaching after vfork from child process 231301]

PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_13.45.0.4846264 (2020-09-21 17:25:40 - Revision 
0818d8a - Build 619)
-full_log       S       [0] 
-genepred_score S       [0]     nsd
-run_name       S       [0] 
-mem_mode       S       [0]     mem
-extend         D       [1]     1 
-extend_mode    S       [0]     very_fast_triplet
-max_n_pair     D       [0]     10 
-seq_name_for_quadruplet        S       [0]     all
-compact        S       [0]     default
-clean          S       [0]     no
-do_self        FL      [0]     0
-do_normalise   D       [0]     1000 
-template_file  S       [0] 
-setenv         S       [0]     0
-export         S       [0]     0
-template_mode  S       [0] 
-flip           D       [0]     0 
-remove_template_file   D       [0]     0 
-profile_template_file  S       [0] 
-in             S       [0] 
-seq            S       [0] 
-aln            S       [0] 
-method_limits  S       [0] 
-method         S       [0] 
-lib            S       [0] 
-profile        S       [0] 
-profile1       S       [0] 
-profile2       S       [0] 
-pdb            S       [0] 
-relax_lib      D       [0]     1 
-filter_lib     D       [0]     0 
-shrink_lib     D       [0]     0 
-out_lib        W_F     [0]     no
-out_lib_mode   S       [0]     primary
-lib_only       D       [0]     0 
-outseqweight   W_F     [0]     no
-seq_source     S       [0]     ANY
-cosmetic_penalty       D       [0]     0 
-gapopen        D       [1]     -2 
-gapext         D       [1]     -5 
-fgapopen       D       [0]     0 
-fgapext        D       [0]     0 
-nomatch        D       [0]     0 
-newtree        W_F     [0]     default
-tree           W_F     [0]     NO
-usetree        R_F     [0] 
-tree_mode      S       [0]     nj
-distance_matrix_mode   S       [0]     ktup
-distance_matrix_sim_mode       S       [0]     idmat_sim1
-quicktree      FL      [0]     0
-outfile        W_F     [1]     Fasta/tc_out.aln
-maximise       FL      [1]     1
-output         S       [1]     clustalw_aln
-len            D       [0]     0 
-infile         R_F     [1]     Fasta/fa01
-matrix         S       [0]     default
-tg_mode        D       [0]     1 
-profile_mode   S       [0]     cw_profile_profile
-profile_comparison     S       [0]     profile
-dp_mode        S       [0]     linked_pair_wise
-ktuple         D       [0]     1 
-ndiag          D       [0]     0 
-diag_threshold D       [0]     0 
-diag_mode      D       [0]     0 
-sim_matrix     S       [0]     vasiliky
-transform      S       [0] 
-extend_seq     FL      [0]     0
-outorder       S       [1]     input
-inorder        S       [0]     aligned
-seqnos         S       [0]     off
-case           S       [0]     keep
-cpu            D       [0]     0 
-ulimit         D       [0]     -1 
-maxnseq        D       [0]     -1 
-maxlen         D       [0]     -1 
-sample_dp      D       [0]     0 
-weight         S       [0]     default
-seq_weight     S       [0]     no
-align          FL      [1]     1
-mocca          FL      [0]     0
-domain         FL      [0]     0
-start          D       [0]     0 
-len            D       [0]     0 
-scale          D       [0]     0 
-mocca_interactive      FL      [0]     0
-method_evaluate_mode   S       [0]     default
-color_mode     S       [0]     new
-aln_line_length        D       [0]     0 
-evaluate_mode  S       [0]     triplet
-get_type       FL      [0]     0
-clean_aln      D       [0]     0 
-clean_threshold        D       [1]     1 
-clean_iteration        D       [1]     1 
-clean_evaluate_mode    S       [0]     t_coffee_fast
-extend_matrix  FL      [0]     0
-prot_min_sim   D       [0]     0 
-prot_max_sim   D       [100]   100 
-psiJ           D       [0]     3 
-psitrim_mode   S       [0]     regtrim
-psitrim_tree   S       [0]     codnd
-psitrim        D       [100]   100 
-prot_min_cov   D       [90]    90 
-pdb_type       S       [0]     d
-pdb_min_sim    D       [35]    35 
-pdb_max_sim    D       [100]   100 
-pdb_min_cov    D       [50]    50 
-pdb_blast_server       W_F     [0]     EBI
-blast          W_F     [0] 
-blast_server   W_F     [0]     EBI
-pdb_db         W_F     [0]     pdb
-protein_db     W_F     [0]     uniref50
-method_log     W_F     [0]     no
-struc_to_use   S       [0] 
-cache          W_F     [0]     use
-print_cache    FL      [0]     0
-align_pdb_param_file   W_F     [0]     no
-align_pdb_hasch_mode   W_F     [0]     hasch_ca_trace_bubble
-external_aligner       S       [0]     NO
-msa_mode       S       [0]     tree
-et_mode        S       [0]     et
-master         S       [0]     no
-blast_nseq     D       [0]     0 
-lalign_n_top   D       [0]     10 
-iterate        D       [0]     0 
-trim           D       [0]     0 
-split          D       [0]     0 
-trimfile       S       [0]     default
-split          D       [0]     0 
-split_nseq_thres       D       [0]     0 
-split_score_thres      D       [0]     0 
-check_pdb_status       D       [0]     0 
-clean_seq_name D       [0]     0 
-seq_to_keep    S       [0] 
-dpa_master_aln S       [0] 
-dpa_maxnseq    D       [0]     0 
-dpa_min_score1 D       [0] 
-dpa_min_score2 D       [0] 
-dpa_keep_tmpfile       FL      [0]     0
-dpa_debug      D       [0]     0 
-multi_core     S       [0]     templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate
-n_core         D       [0]     1 
-thread         D       [0]     1 
-max_n_proc     D       [0]     1 
-lib_list       S       [0] 
-prune_lib_mode S       [0]     5
-tip            S       [0]     none
-rna_lib        S       [0] 
-no_warning     D       [0]     0 
-run_local_script       D       [0]     0 
-proxy          S       [0]     unset
-email          S       [0] 
-clean_overaln  D       [0]     0 
-overaln_param  S       [0] 
-overaln_mode   S       [0] 
-overaln_model  S       [0] 
-overaln_threshold      D       [0]     0 
-overaln_target D       [0]     0 
-overaln_P1     D       [0]     0 
-overaln_P2     D       [0]     0 
-overaln_P3     D       [0]     0 
-overaln_P4     D       [0]     0 
-exon_boundaries        S       [0] 
-display        D       [0]     100 

        Input File (A) Fasta/fa01  Format fasta_aln

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000555555675e73 in ?? ()

On Sun, 23 Oct 2022 14:50:27 +0200 Lucas Nussbaum <> wrote:
> Source: python-biopython
> Version: 1.79+dfsg-3
> Severity: serious
> Justification: FTBFS
> Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
> User:
> Usertags: ftbfs-20221023 ftbfs-bookworm
> Hi,
> During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
> on amd64.
> Relevant part (hopefully):
> > make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> > mkdir -p Tests_avoid
> > for avoid in  PAML_tools EmbossPhylipNew MSAProbs_tool NACCESS_tool 
> > PopGen_GenePop PopGen_GenePop_EasyController XXmotif_tool PDB_ResidueDepth 
> > mmtf mmtf_online  BioSQL_MySQLdb BioSQL_psycopg2   \
> >         ; do \
> >     mv Tests/test_${avoid}.py Tests_avoid ; \
> > done
> > mv: cannot stat 'Tests/': No such file or directory
> > # For the doc package we need a clean testsuite without all the remaining 
> > files.  So keep a clean copy here
> > mkdir -p debian/tmp_tests
> > cp -a Tests debian/tmp_tests
> > # remove duplicated file
> > rm -f debian/tmp_tests/Tests/Quality/example.fastq.gz
> > # We also keep the tests we need to avoid for later inspection
> > cp -a Tests_avoid debian/tmp_tests
> > # in the Debian package dialign it is not needed to set DIALIGN2_DIR but 
> > the test is verifying this dir
> > # to run the EMBOSS test test_Emboss also requires to have the environment 
> > variable EMBOSS_ROOT set
> > LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 dh_auto_test -- --test --system=custom \
> >     --test-args='set -e; \
> >                              mkdir -p {build_dir}/home; \
> >                              mkdir -p {build_dir}/Doc/examples; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial.tex {build_dir}/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial {build_dir}/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/examples {build_dir}/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Tests {build_dir}; \
> >                              cd {build_dir}/Tests; \
> >                              env DIALIGN2_DIR=/usr/share/dialign 
> > EMBOSS_ROOT=/usr/lib/emboss HOME={build_dir}/home {interpreter} 
> > --offline'
> >     pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.10 --test --system=custom 
> > "--test-args=set -e; \\\
> >                              mkdir -p {build_dir}/home; \\\
> >                              mkdir -p {build_dir}/Doc/examples; \\\
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial.tex {build_dir}/Doc; \\\
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial {build_dir}/Doc; \\\
> >                              cp -a Doc/examples {build_dir}/Doc; \\\
> >                              cp -a Tests {build_dir}; \\\
> >                              cd {build_dir}/Tests; \\\
> >                              env DIALIGN2_DIR=/usr/share/dialign 
> > EMBOSS_ROOT=/usr/lib/emboss HOME={build_dir}/home {interpreter} 
> > --offline"
> > I: pybuild base:240: set -e; \
> >                              mkdir -p 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/home; \
> >                              mkdir -p 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Doc/examples; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial.tex 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/Tutorial 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Doc/examples 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Doc; \
> >                              cp -a Tests 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build; \
> >                              cd 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Tests; \
> >                              env DIALIGN2_DIR=/usr/share/dialign 
> > EMBOSS_ROOT=/usr/lib/emboss 
> > HOME=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/home python3.10 
> > --offline
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/.pybuild/cpython3_3.10/build/Tests/ 
> > DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for 
> > removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential 
> > alternatives


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