Hey Fabio.

I just gave the current versions another try... and still, the enforced
CSD is outright ugly ^^
OTH, I probably cannot run on the old versions forever... so:

On Mon, 2022-08-15 at 20:07 +0200, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
> About the themes I already asked suggestions in mailing list, joshua
> had 
> suggested to put the cinnamon theme by default and i think it would
> be 
> good, if there are problems in that too they should be reported on 
> cinnamon github and i suppose they would be solved as i have seen
> others 
> recently too

You think so? The only (Cinnamon) upstream tickets I had looked at were
force-locked when people complained too loud about the lost features
and the new theming.

Right now I'd see a ton of minor nuisances and some real "showstoppers"
(with respect to usability of a desktop environment).


- The taller window title bar because of the CSDs.
  Sure it's only a few pixels, but that adds up and uselessly wastes
  And for e.g. gnome-terminal, with some typical screen resolution and
  32px panel, when the terminal was maximised, the terminal lines just
  perfectly divided the remaining space. Now there's some extra bit
- The CSD window title bar sizes don't even match amongst each other.
  E.g. the one from Evolution is a bit taller, the one from gnome-
  terminal a bit smaller.
- Shade/unshade doesn't seem to work anymore.
  From the window title bar context menu, it's no longer changeable at
  And the keyboard shortcut ("Toggle shaded state") no longer works
  properly. For me it does shade a window, but unshade simply doesn't
  happen anymore.
- Previously, when moving the mouse pointer to the top right corner 
  (assuming there was no top panel), then one was sure that a click at
  that position, would hit the close button of any maximised window.
  This was really quite nice, cause in practise one often works with
  maximised windows, and a fast move in the top right corner needs no
  exact positioning but enables one to quickly close a window.
  Now, the close button is much farther inwards and so one needs to
  exactly position the pointer on it, which takes noticeably longer.

Showstoppers, these seem small, but in day2day work they're really a
pain in the a***:
- There's barely any difference in colour between the window title bar
  of those which have the focus and those which have not. The one is
  some gray, the other some slightly brighter gray.
  Having e.g. multiple terminals open, makes it really hard to see
  which one has the focus, and I really don't want to pull out my
  colour spectrograph for that ;-)
- Windows no longer seem to have a borderline at all.
  This is especially annoying when one has e.g. multiple overlapping
  windows, and one has a hard time following lines in order find out to
  which window some part of them actually belongs.
  Just place a number of terminal windows in overlapping positions -
  without the border, it's much more difficult to see straight, which
  characters belong to which terminal.

Also, but possibly non-issues:
- the font seems to be different... not 100% sure about that one, maybe
  it's just misconception, but it seems somewhat slimmer

Previously existing issues:
- Similar to the colour of focused/unfocused window title bars, there's
  barely no difference in colour of the same for the panel's window
  The focused window is just slightly brighter and that even with a
- This used to work long ago, but stopped already previously:
  When I have e.g. a terminal window maximised, and move the mouse,
  pointer to the far left, click and select (i.e. I want to select
  whole lines), than this doesn't work.
  It seems like the left/rightmost pixel of the maximised window are
  not counted as part of that... and one has to move the pointer a tiny
  bit inwards in order to be able to select.

Not sure how especially the "showstoppers" could be fixed... I'd be
really surprised if others don't have problems with those changes... or
maybe after years of GNOMEing, they simply resigned.

I mean ten years ago, one could easily change themes, set custom
shortcuts in programs, etc. pp. ... and now one has less
customisability with every generation.

I found:

But haven't really tried yet... especially it seems hard to find out
*which* settings one has to actually change to get reasonable window
title bar colours... or window borders back - without breaking
everything else.

> I think it would be great be able to bring many add/changes to
> upstream 
> of the forked software (as long as they accept them) and possibly
> also 
> optional feature (even if they were only or almost used by cinnamon, 
> mate or other forks) but I fear that this will be difficult :(
> I also think would be great have on many softwares 2 "type of
> graphic" 
> (one default for gnome and one "traditional" for cinnamon mate and 
> others DE) for avoid many fork and waste of time (for developers) and
> have higher quality of softwares but I fear this it would be unlikely
> to 
> happen

Well I'm not so sure if does any good if Cinnamon people follow GNOME -
don't get me wrong: there are certainly people who like the GNOME-way,
which is totally fine. But there are just as many who absolutely cannot
work with it (and have good reasons for it).. and Cinnamon started
because of just that.
And now it seems as if they'd follow similar paths.


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