Il 27/10/2022 00:12, Christoph Anton Mitterer ha scritto:
Hey Fabio.

I just gave the current versions another try... and still, the enforced
CSD is outright ugly ^^
OTH, I probably cannot run on the old versions forever... so:

On Mon, 2022-08-15 at 20:07 +0200, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
About the themes I already asked suggestions in mailing list, joshua
suggested to put the cinnamon theme by default and i think it would
good, if there are problems in that too they should be reported on
cinnamon github and i suppose they would be solved as i have seen
recently too
You think so? The only (Cinnamon) upstream tickets I had looked at were
force-locked when people complained too loud about the lost features
and the new theming.

Right now I'd see a ton of minor nuisances and some real "showstoppers"
(with respect to usability of a desktop environment).

Well I'm not so sure if does any good if Cinnamon people follow GNOME -
don't get me wrong: there are certainly people who like the GNOME-way,
which is totally fine. But there are just as many who absolutely cannot
work with it (and have good reasons for it).. and Cinnamon started
because of just that.
And now it seems as if they'd follow similar paths.


I am aware that some changes made can be seen "as a worsening", then there are still some bugs that are slowly solving, it seems they are also preparing a new 5.4.x with some fixes:

any problems (both bugs/unexpected events and possible improvements/feature requests) should be reported upstream properly and constructively (and hope that the github issue(s) started will not be filled with criticism of others people or will be closed it if it becomes counterproductive)

I unfortunately don't have much time to contribute significantly upstream beyond packaging

regarding the choice of themes I started to package mint-theme for debian to have it optionally installable in a simple and fast way, mint-y-icons is in the repo now, while unfortunately I got stuck from copyright issues with mint-x-icons:

and for the choice of some other themes not working I saw that will be applied in the next bugfix version

also unfortunately a few weeks ago I was also sick with covid and even if I recovered in the last few weeks I am still not in good shape and I struggle even more to contribute

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