Control: tag -1 unreproducible

Hi Christian,

Thanks for reporting issues you encounter.

On 10-11-2022 21:43, Christian Henz wrote:
I frequently notice that a WebKitWebProces spawned by Liferea is consuming CPU
(up to 20%) even when the Liferea UI is closed (only task bar icon visible).
This seems to happen after Liferea has been running for a couple of hours.

This is a bit limited information to go on. For what it's worth, I don't reproduce this (albeit on bookworm). I've never noticed high CPU consumption this way, but I'll keep an eye out.

It would be good if you could figure out under which conditions this happens (and under which conditions it doesn't). E.g. what feed are you having open, do you view videos in the internal browser, etc. Do your feeds have JavaScript and do you have that enabled?


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