On 10.11.22 22:08, Paul Gevers wrote:

This is a bit limited information to go on. For what it's worth, I don't
reproduce this (albeit on bookworm). I've never noticed high CPU
consumption this way, but I'll keep an eye out.

Hi Paul,

So "frequently" may have been a bit exaggerated. I had definitely
noticed this at least three times over the two weeks prior to me filing
the report.

However, *since* filing the report I have been monitoring this closer,
and have not been able to see it reproduced since then (at least not for
any prolonged amount of time, i.e. longer than a couple of seconds -
previously, the significant CPU consumption would seem to last

There *was* a webkit2gtk upgrade during this time, but I have not
investigated if that could have made any difference.

> It would be good if you could figure out under which conditions this
> happens (and under which conditions it doesn't). E.g. what feed are you
> having open, do you view videos in the internal browser, etc. Do your
> feeds have JavaScript and do you have that enabled?

I'll keep monitoring the situation, but I also think this may not be
reproducible after all.

For the record, JavaScript had been turned off the entire time.


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