Hi Phil,

thanks a lot for the quick and helpful response.

Am Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 09:12:02AM -0500 schrieb Phil Harvey:
> July 21, 2022 - Version 12.44
>   - Made Composite GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude writable for setting GPS
>     coordinates and reference directions with one assignment

This is definitely wanted in general and I would love to have this
feature once I've started writing my scripts.  I always considered the
interface quite clumsy and I consider the new interface some progress.
> I'm sorry this had an adverse affect on your workflow, but the solutions are 
> simple:
> Either 1) Write only EXIF tags (works for any version):
>  -exif:GPSLatitudeRef='N' -exif:GPSLatitude='64 deg 8'' 51.464"'  
> -exif:GPSLongitudeRef='W' -exif:GPSLongitude='21 deg 55'' 59.700"'
> or 2) Write the reference directions after the latitude/longitude (works for 
> any version):
>   -GPSLatitude='64 deg 8'' 51.464"' -GPSLatitudeRef='N' -GPSLongitude='21 deg 
> 55'' 59.700"' -GPSLongitudeRef='W'

I admit having a certain sequence of command line options makes an
interface non-intuitive.  I think we should leave the bug report open
to simply fix this that the command line options are working in random
sequence and thus restoring the old behaviour.  I'm perfectly able to
search-and-replace my scripts to find a personal solution but in
general I think the need to force a certain sequence is a misfeature
that will trick several old users of exiftools.
> or 3) write the reference directions together with the coordinates (only 
> works for 12.44 or later):
>   -GPSLatitude='64 deg 8'' 51.464"N'  -GPSLongitude='21 deg 55'' 59.700"W' 

This is certainly a convenient new feature.

Kind regards


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